Coronavirus - COVID-19
FIRST AND FOREMOST, please stay in contact with the community. These are uncertain times, and together we ARE stronger. Email us at office@byberryquakers.org if we can offer support, whether physical, spiritual or otherwise.
Also, join us in our Zoom video/teleconferences to "check-in" . We will be "meeting" at 10:00AM on Sundays. To get the link, please just email us at office@byberryquakers.org. We will email you the log-in details and links.
Additionally, if you would like to have a daily morning Meeting for Worship, Pendle Hill (a Quaker spiritual retreat center near Swarthmore) is offering an 8:30AM to 9:10AM daily gathering. Details can be found here.
Out of an abundance of caution, and following the recommendations and requests by Governor Wolf, and actions of many other Quaker meetings in our area, Byberry Friends (Quaker) Meeting has decided to cancel Meeting for Worship for the foreseeable future. We are closely monitoring the situation in Philadelphia, as well as neighboring counties as new information becomes available, we will determine future openings/closings.
Our primary concern is for the physical health and wellbeing of our community, our "village", our Friends. This concern is equally extended to fellow local residents; county residents; and to the state, country, and world.
Please do follow all recommended guidelines put out by the CDC https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html as well as information put out by the State of PA https://www.pa.gov/.
Check back frequently for updates about decisions specific to Byberry.
There are many other cancellations around the Quaker communities, so please check the PYM site, the Abington Quarter site, and the individual Monthly Meeting's site for updates.
Be safe, be well.
In Friendship,
Byberry Friends Meeting
Susan Vorwerk, 3/12/2020